Celebrity fitness trainer Jillian Michaels recently opened up about her nose job and how important it was to her self-confidence growing up. "I had my nose done when I was 16 years old, and I'll be honest, it did change my life," she told PEOPLE magazine. "Not to say you should let your physicality define you, but there are some things that can make people feel really insecure. So, if there is something you want to fix that allows you to feel a little bit more confident, I support it. I think it's about [doing it for] the right reasons."
Michaels had originally came forward about her surgery to US Weekly in August 2010 and was generally praised for her openness. She explained at the time that she had been bullied and was a very anxious child, and that the surgery to reduce her large nose made a huge difference. According to Dr. Richard Rival, a rhinoplasty specialist in Toronto, having an overly large nose is one of the most common motivations for rhinoplasty. "A large nose generally draws attention away from where the focus should be — on the eyes," his website says. "The job of a rhinoplasty surgeon is not only to make an attractive looking nose, but to balance it with the rest of the facial features." Michaels explained that is what the procedure did for her, helping her feel like the feature she disliked so much no longer stood out.
Australian rapper Iggy Azalea also recently shared details about the breast augmentation procedure she had done at the end of 2014. She explained her reasons to Vogue back in March. Due to her smaller bust size
, she needed padding sewn into all of her stage costumes so that they fit properly. While she admitted she did consider keeping the surgery to herself, she explained that she "wasn't into secret-keeping."
Numerous celebrities have also been open about their non-surgical cosmetic enhancements, such as injectables. Kelly Ripa comfortably announced that "BOTOX® changed my life." Even Kylie Jenner opened up about her lip fillers after initially avoiding the rumors. "It's just an insecurity of mine and it's what I wanted to do," she said. "I want to admit to the lips, but people are so quick to judge me on everything, so I might have tiptoed around the truth, but I didn't lie."
Underlying all these examples is a running thread of confidence, body image issues, and struggles with insecurity, particularly in the harsh spotlight of stardom. Most non-famous plastic surgery patients say that the same issues are what spurred them to want to change something about their own bodies. It's nice to see the stigma fading around such themes as cosmetic procedures are more popular than ever.