Pregnancy Skin: First and Second Trimester - How I battled it!

I’m not gonna lie, I was able to hide my pregnancy for so long because I hardly had any changes. I was one of the lucky ones in my first trimester and second trimester: Amazing skin. I truly did not start showing until I was about 6 months or so. At about 7 months is when the real skin changes started to occur. Some people are probably going to tell me that I’m overreacting but that’s when I started to get dark patches and occasional pimple flare up.... on odd parts of my face.

 Think about it... if you’re not used to something and then you wake up and it happens out of nowhere... it’s totally overwhelming. This is ALL hereditary.
If your mom had all those pregnancy issues its totally going to happen to you.

Three ways to get an affordable cute nursery

I’ve never thought that having a baby nursery was that big of a deal. Until I came on Instagram! There is so much inspiration. So many things that can make a space unique. At the moment baby girl will be spending her first few months with my husband and I. We have spare bedrooms but I feel like they’re a little bit too far away from both of us. Across the hall is TOO far! So my task was to change up one portion of our room so that it can be a little oasis just for her. Here’s the thing my husband and I probably will be moving within the next six months and I did not want to put in too much money into something that I’m probably going to have to disassemble and start over in the next few months.

Soooooo I had to find ways to do it all on a budget and make it effective! I posted a picture of it on Instagram and got really good response so I thought you know what this blog post might help someone.