Seven Ways to Incorporate Essential Oils in to your Life

The older I get, the more I appreciate things like having essential oils in my regimen. 
They're 100% pure/natural and the easiest way to restore your health naturally.

A while back, I was given a cute package with essential oils from Thursday Plantation. I've used Thursday plantation Tea Tree oil in the past and I was totally excited to work with them again. Their current theme is called "100 uses for Thursday Plantation". Did you know that essential oil's are not just used as in beauty regimens? They can be used for therapeutic purposes, first aid, to clean your home or healing.

Let's get started with Tea Tree oil ($19.99 CDN). One of the biggest uses of Tea Tree oil is for acne. It can help reduce redness and minimize pimples without drying out your skin. I also found that when I used it the impurities would come to the top much quicker than using any of my drugstore products that I use.

Two other uses that I did not think of was using it on bites! Say you're on vacation and you get a random bug bite. Did you know that Tea Tree oil is perfect product to clean the bite? The best part about it is that it doesn't sting! 

Secondly: Use it as a deodorizer. Let me put this out there. It's a strong scent- so be wary if it's your first time using it. My husband plays baseball so sometimes his shoes/equipment can smell extremely funky. To combat that- Just fill a spray bottle and then add a small solution of Tea Tree oil and lightly spray the items to remove bacteria and get rid of high odours.

Lavender oil ($19.99 CDN) is amazing. This is something that I have had on deck for the past 7 years. For me, it's for stress reliever. I dab a bit on to my wrist and rub it together and then do three deep breaths in to calm myself. 

I know that it can be added to a bath. Before you go to bed add some lavender oil to your bath! It can help calm you before bed. I've also heard of people who have added to a unscented cream and use it as a hand cream. 

Eucalyptus oil (9.99 CDN) is a stable. Being Jamaican, I grew up on eucalyptus oil. I probably OD'ed on it because I got a lot of colds/flus when I was younger. Blocked nasal passages? Get a bucket of hot water-Add some drops-put a towel over your head- and inhale the fumes. Trust me if you have a head cold all of that will come out. 

Another cool tip I learned is how you can use it to remove stains on clothes. Dab eucalyptus oil on that T-shirt you spilled mustard on before you put into the wash and it helps to get the stain out. 

Have you tried any of these before? 

1 comment :

  1. Hey Jennifer. Great post. Yes, being from a Jamaican background myself I still use Eucalyptus oil for my colds and for my son. It works like a charm for stuffy nose! I add a little bit to Vaseline and apply it to his back and chest, coughing decreases almost instantly! Thanks for sharing.


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