How many times have you gone out and forgotten your business cards. Or met someone influential totally by fluke and didn't have a card to give to them. What about this... Have you gone to an event- hit it off with the head of the company they asked for a card and you have nothing to give them. This has happened to me quite a few times.
For me, business cards are something that I never remember to bring with me. I usually keep a few(3) in my wallet but once they all get used up, I always forget to replenish. I recently had the opportunity to get some really cute cards done by socialcirclecards. These are networking for the trendy. These little cards contain all of your social networking handles. Each card can hold five social media contacts. You get your name in the middle surrounded by your email, cell, facebook and instagram deets.
I was attracted to these cards because they're really unique and eye catching.
There are eight different categories to choose from:
- artsy
- bohemian
- classic
- edgy
- glam
- preppy
- trendy
- business cards
I went with Olivia ($34.95 CDN) because I felt like it was best suited to my personality.
With my order I received:
- 2" scalloped-matte stock-double sided customized cards with my info
- Personalized case wish I love!
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