New mom vibes AGAIN

I haven’t been updating as much as I use to on here. BUTTTT, I am now my second baby and she is over 14 months. There’s been a lot of life changes some good and some bad. But overall, I’m working on it. I’m just writing this post because I know that there’s someone out there like me right now... a lot of my mom friends are back at work. 

Because the 12 months is up. 

I know that there’s an option for 18 but with the lesser pay, but financially... it's a no. Anyways, I’m going give you some tips on what I do... so I don’t go insane while trying to figure out my next steps up at life.

 Take the baby outside when possible. 
A change of space, can do wonders for my mood. I try to take the baby and my self out, even if it’s just a short trip to the dollar store. It just makes us feel like we had a purpose...even if it;s JUST for the day.

 Ask for help when needed. 
I’ve learned to be honest about when I’m struggling. I’m lucky that at least once a week I have dedicated help for at least eight hours to get some tasks done. But sometimes I need some help whether it be picking up my daughter from school. Reaching out to my partner, or family for support—has made a huge difference in managing my mental health. Because I can’t do it all. 

 Be kind to myself. 
This one will always be the hardest to me. Especially because I’m raising little girls. Reminding myself that I’m doing the best I can. It’s okay to have days where I’m not at my best. I don’t have to be the perfect mom every day. 

 Thank you so much for reading this post and I hope that you’re doing well.

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