Showing posts with label canadian mom influencer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label canadian mom influencer. Show all posts

New mom vibes AGAIN

I haven’t been updating as much as I use to on here. BUTTTT, I am now my second baby and she is over 14 months. There’s been a lot of life changes some good and some bad. But overall, I’m working on it. I’m just writing this post because I know that there’s someone out there like me right now... a lot of my mom friends are back at work. 

Because the 12 months is up. 

Navigating the Holidays: Being a burnt out Mom of Two

Parenting two kids while trying to manage the emotional toll of the season can be overwhelming. I swear some days, it feels like I'm just barely keeping it all together. 

The challenge is real, but baby we WILL get through this! 

Losing friends after having kids: My Thoughts

Here is the truth… Losing friends after having kids can be tough, but it's a common experience.
Sometimes we grow apart. 

Sometimes we’re headed in a different direction. 

Kindergarten Checklist

I can’t Believe I’m writing this. Ava is in Kindergarten. Yeah. I know. Time FLIES! I can’t believe some of you have been around since 2009 when I was still in college. So much Life and time has passed. I’m so grateful for all of you. 

Let me stop being sentimental for a bit!

Three Quick Ways To Make Mom Friends

Friendships can be tricky, especially when you are an introverted mom. Or just quiet in general. Though it's NOT that hard for everyone to new people... hello extroverts! Before becoming a mother- I kept my circle small, but after having Ava it got smaller. It's important that I make friends who have children that Ava can play with.  

Here Are Some Ways You Can TRY to Make New Mom Friends 

Work from Home in Canada

Every year the most searched post on my blog is “Work from home mom” or "Work from home in Canada". This wasn’t my path… I always thought I’d be 9-5 or on set girlie. But as soon as I got a taste of at home life- I literally fell in LOVE. Especially during pregnancy and after having Ava. Being able to pick her up and or/ drop her off at school or daycare is dream. Also being at home with her until she was 3.9 months. So unheard of.