Oh my! How behind are we?!? I apologize. So much has been going on! I have been in school, working and taking care of the baby. Plus being wife! Can’t forget that one. I legit have no time for anything but that needs to change. This is the update from her being four months to six months old.
- She can say dada.
- She’s been saying that since she was four months old.
- She loves to roll back-and-forth.
- She’s working on sitting up without any assistance.
- She’s good at doing it for a few seconds and then she gets excited and wants the clap but doesn’t have any balance to do so. So she ends up falling over.
- She also loves singing and dancing.

I know I’m going to have a little diva on my hands. I truly can’t believe that in July I’m going to be planning her first birthday party.
Here are a two products which have been making my life a lot easier with Ava:
Where would I be without my rocking chair?!
This makes putting the baby down at night so much easier. After my husband feeds her then rocks her- 90% of the time she will fall asleep. I won’t lie.. take a few rocks in that chair and you will fall asleep too. This one is from walmart!

- The silicone is heat resistant. I can place them in the sterilizer with no issue.
- The nipples are wide so they're easy to clean.
- Didn't cause nipple confusion.
Bottle sizes:
-5oz bottle slow flow nipple 0-3 months
-8oz bottle medium flow nipple 3-6 months.
-8oz bottle medium flow nipple 3-6 months.
There is also a fast/variable flow nipple for babies 6 months+.
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