I'm Back from Jamaica + Rant + New year Resolutions

I'm kinda sad to be back in Canada but life goes on. Let me explain.. I love being in the presence of family(even if they drive me insane). I am quite fortunate that both my mother and father family lives in the area where I stayed. All and all it was super fun going to parties, unlimited drinks, going to the beaches, eating yummy food, visiting family and meeting new people BUT that can't be my life (for an extended period of time.)

Canada is my home and I've been living this lifestyle for almost 25 years now.. (No flying roaches, overly begging people & bugs that eat you alive!!)

Enough ranting! How have you all been. I've missed like over 500+ blog posts from you guys. I'm slowly catching up! I also owe 2 people packages. I was soo busy getting ready for vacation that I forgot to send before I left!

Back to the vacation stuff. Do you guys wanna see some pictures from it? I took some lovely scenery ones!

This is personal but I REALLY wanna share my 2010 Resolutions!

  1. Read a book EVERY MONTH. (please send your suggestions along)
  2. Lose 9 more pounds. ( I did well in Nov & Dec losing 10 pounds, so why not keep it up)
  3. Take better cake of myself. ( more mani & pedi's out and at home :) ...stuff like that)
  4. Drive longer distances (Hopefully I'll be more confident to drive to Brampton)
  5. Reconnect with some friends & new family members.
Thanks for reading :)

I am still looking for bloggers for interviews!

These interviews are solely for the use on my blog.  It's just a cute little past time to keep my interview skills fresh.

For reference on the questions asked check out:

WDF?!?!? Girlllll

Those two words were the first thing out of my mouth when I seen this pic!

Couldn't someone tell her that her foundation was off...

Probably NOT..shit it's Beyonce..

LOL.. No But it's hard.. To tell someone and NOT hurt there feelings..

A good friend of mine always wears a shade that is 3 shades too light for her BUT I honestly don't have the heart to tell her its off. Why you ask??

Because she is always so confident in it!

So my question for you is would you tell a friend if her foundation was off?