Sooo what's going on with Spiced Beauty?

I know that I haven't really and publicly put this out there but I changed my blog name. 
My blog is now called MY SPICED LIFE.

The first question, I got was why....
I started this blog at 23 years old, living with my family having a boyfriend and just finishing college. I was BORED.  Now i'm in my early 30's, living with my husband(same guy I dated for 10+ years) and owning my OWN business. 

My views and likes/dislike have changed drastically. 

I know that some people are asking "Will this still be beauty blog?" 
Beauty is still one of my first loves. It will NEVER go away. I still have had numerous people.. not just WOC come up to me and tell me that I was one of the first Beauty Blogs that they found in Canada. But I want to share other stuff of my life without being confined to just beauty. Like my love of travel, electronics, food, random events.... I could go on and on. 

Also Wedding things. 
I didn't really get to divulge during the time because I took more of a hiatus to plan but there still a lot of things I want to share with you guys! 

Please let me know your thoughts! So being that a lot of blog related info and I don't think I have done a tag in a while! I want to share some info about my life and maybe share some little titbit that you don't know about me.

Why you Should Wash your Brushes + Real Techniques Deep Cleansing Palette & Gel

I once had a friend who told me that she didn't know that you were supposed to clean your make up brushes. Guys.. for three years! She had the same brushes...Mind you she was using those cheap synthetic two dollar packs.... But still! The whole concept took me out. I nicely told her to throw out what she has and start fresh.

For some of you guys who don't see a problem.
Here are three issues that you can get with dirty brushes:
-Staph infections(Yes.. google it)
-Clogged pores (Pimples all over)
-Pink eye (You get the idea...)

Every time you hop on Instagram or Twitter you always see somebody complaining about how much they hate washing their brushes. I'm in the same boat... I hate washing my brushes! And I'm going to tell you the truth I have enough brushes that I can go without washing brushes for a while. I know that's not the reality for everyone... so I'm gonna show you the easiest way to clean your brushes right now.

Yes there are DIY methods. But if you're lazy and on the go like me :) Here is the quickest and easiest way to clean your brushes and make sure that you're free of infection and bacteria.

Get the Real Techniques Brush Cleansing Palette ($19.99 CAN) 

Make Up For Ever: Artist Acrylip + Swatch

One of the first lip products my list to share for the Summer is the Artist Acrylip ($23.00 CAN).
Totally different from your typical matte lip. 
This is a extremely pigmented product.