Hair talk: Textures & Extensions

I am so surprised how popular my hair posts are. I was very iffy about talking about weaves/extensions it at first. Now that I have stated my concerns, I'm willing to share more. I have been getting a lot of emails & blog comments for more topics to be covered such as textures & over all general care.

In this post I am going to address texture. Texture is one of the most important things to think about when picking out extensions. I haven't "permed" my hair in two years and my current texture is curly. It wouldn't make sense for me to go out and  buy bone straight extensions to blend with my hair because the textures would be completely off.I could straighten my hair to blend but I do not want heat damage.

Regardless of length, I try to make ALL my extensions/weaves look natural. I decided to ask Constance from Bella Dream Hair some tips on picking the perfect extensions for first-time wearers.
 I think the biggest mistake women make is looking at an image and saying that THAT is what I want without taking into consideration their hair texture. If you see a woman with silky straight curls and you want that style but your hair is not silky in the least...then you ma'am should not pick that hair texture. Find a texture that matches your hair rather it's natural, relaxed or permed. Work with what you got so that your weaves will be flawless. 

As basic as that information is, I still see styles which totally perplex me! I know I'm not alone with that feeling...haha.

Overall, the versatility of extension can change up your looks in seconds. 
Monica is my favorite example of that because she can rock short and long styles naturally.

I hope you all enjoyed this post. 
If you have any questions/requests leave them below!


  1. I've made the texture mistake for years and had the hairline damage to prove it lol my grows a lot healthier in weave when the extensions' texture is similar to my own because then I don't have to manipulate my hair too much using heat or chemicals


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