There are many ways to fully get your make up off which unfortunately do take up time... but honestly it’s worth it. One thing, I will never give up on is make up wipes. But I'm going to be honest, that there are some wipes that do not fully do the job in one wipe. Those CHEAP ones that are ALWAYS on SALE! Stay away from them. Most of the time, those cheaper wipes only get off the first layer of make up. What about your sunscreen, primer, moisturizer or serum? There is still residue left over. Don't leave me- wet a rag and wipe your face.
So here is where double cleansing comes into play...
It really gets that "grime" that you might see when you look in the mirror. For my cleaning option #1: I really like Dermalogica Precleanse ($58.00 CAN).
It literally melts away the makeup from your skin. After using it my skin feels instantly soft.
I sometimes use a cloth to get everything off and then I go to step #2 to my foaming cleanser.
I’m really new to this one but TheFaceShop Rice Bran Foaming Cleanser ($17.00 CAN) is REALLY nice! The best part about it is that it has a little bit of exfoliating factor in there.
I know this is not something that can be done every day or maybe should be done every day depending on your skin type but definitely keep it in mind.
Have you ever double cleansed before?
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