Homemade Skin Care Remedies in your Fridge: Fruits and Vegetables

I know that during this quarantine we have all been guilty of buying to much of something. Mine was bananas and thank God for banana bread! Just incase you have some extra fruit in your fridge- check this out!

Ever wondered about other skin care remedy options that are not only cost effective but can be found just about anywhere? What if I told you that your next skin care remedy is in the comfort of your own home? I am going to be giving you the tea on skin care options in your fridge that will whip your skin back to shape for the low low!

Here are 5 natural skin care remedies 
you can find in your fridge:

Honey is commonly known for its antibacterial and antioxidant properties, which means that your skin will thank you for sure! When it comes to acne, honey is perfect for treating and preventing the accumulation of pimples and flare ups. It also aids in opening up your pores, to aid in the unclogging process. Lastly, honey aids in giving your skin complexion a moisturizing and soothing feel, which helps to promote healthy, radiant skin.

Avocados are probably my most favourite food in the world! I mean, you can add them to just about any meal- burgers, salads, sandwiches, the list goes on. Not only do they taste good, they work wonders on your skin as well. Experts say that avocados contain natural oils that help to deeply penetrate your skin to help quench, soften and hydrate your pores. It may also be the cure to fine lines and wrinkles and help to curb the aging process. Avocado also contains a substance called lutein, which stimulates skin elasticity and promotes strong healthy looking skin. The oleic acid and chlorophyll that is contained inside an avocado help to reduce redness and inflammation of your skin.

I think out of all the vegetables in the world, I would definitely have to say that cucumbers easily fall under my top three favourites. Apart from its deliciousness, cucumbers have proven to have wonderful skin benefits such as curing eye puffiness, helping to repair your skin from sun burns and irritated skin, and with helping to fight off wrinkles. In terms of eye puffiness, cucumbers contain a substance called flavonoids, which aid in reducing swelling, irritation and redness. They also help with establishing a nice cooling effect, which reduces enlarged blood vessels, thus repairing the appearance of puffy eyes. Cucumbers contain nutrients such as water, potassium, sulfate and vitamins A and C, which all aid in soothing your skin from sunburns, and other environmental factors. Lastly, cucumbers serve as a key ingredient for anti-aging masks. Due to having antioxidants such as vitamin C and caffeic acid, when applied to the skin, cucumbers can help prevent the appearance of wrinkles and skin damage.

I was definitely not surprised when I saw ginger on the list of skin care remedies. I have always recalled my mom explaining the benefits of ginger to treat the common cold and for overall health. Ginger aids in fading hyper-pigmented scars due to its natural toning and antioxidant compounds. Fun fact: ginger also aids in promoting healthy hair growth by increasing the circulation in your scalp! I bet you didn’t know that!

Have you heard the saying “an apple a day, keeps the doctor away”? I’m not sure how accurate this statement may be, but one thing’s for sure: apples have amazing benefits for your skin. Apples are said to help with brightening your skin, reducing puffy eyes, serving as a natural skin toner, maintaining the elasticity in your skin, fighting off acne, blemishes and hyperpigmentation and lastly acting as a moisturizer. Did you know that apples contain collagen which helps to keep your skin radiant and flourishing? They also aid in ridding your skin of harmful pathogens and excess oils. Apples have high amounts of water, which means it works well with quenching your skin. Then the vitamin E in apples, aids to maintain your skin’s softness. Apples contain a balanced form of pH levels, that help in reducing the production of oils in your skin and promote the circulation of blood to the surface of your skin.

I hope these skin care remedies were helpful for you and gave you the added boost of confidence to want to try them out. 
Which one(s) caught your eye the most?


  1. I love incorporating avocados and honey into my beauty routine! So nourishing

  2. I love natural skincare remedies! Never heard of using apples. I have to save this post for reference!

  3. These are all staples in my household but I've never thought about using cucumbers for skincare! Great read


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