Bored? Five things to do while in quarantine!

It's May! 
We want to go out, play, eat, travel ... see family. Should I keep on going? 
Don't laugh at me but I miss walking the aisles of Winners/Home Sense. 
Man.. we're going stir crazy. I get it! We ALL want this virus gone. 

Are you looking for things to do while in quarantine?
Here are some ideas!

I know you have like 5-10 bananas bouncing around the kitchen that are past their expiry date. Make that banana bread that you have been eyeing on social media! Be sure to make it a family event - so that you don’t have to eat it all alone.
Organize your makeup! 
I know that we all have that drawer or two full of random products that we don't even know if they're good or now. Make two piles- Good and garbage. This will make sorting a breeze. If you don't know the last time that you used something- get rid of it ASAP!

Pamper yourself!
Have a spa day or evening (depending on how much time you have). This is the best time to focus on yourself! If your not scared of a little DIY you can accomplish a lot while in isolation. Little secret- I include my husband in on this one! Facial Thursdays are always fun. We watch movies and eat snacks while the masques dry!

Don't forget date night!
For couples who have ran out of ideas and maybe want to kill each other! Don’t do it! Plan a dinner, dress up as you would if the restaurants were still open, light some candles while you’re at it. Reminisce about the first day you met each other and talk about how far you have gotten. Can you believe that it's my 5 year anniversary this month! Unfortunately, it will be a quarantine one.

Don't ditch your Planner!
Write down small simple goals you can complete in during this time. For me, one is clean my walk-in closet. Try not to do it in your phone because it will get buried. Dust off that old journal/planner and get writing! I had/have so many goals that I was supposed to reach by now. 
But I’m not going to give up.


Do you have any tips that I should have added?
Just remember we are all in this together sending love to everyone.


  1. Great suggestions. I have been doing all of these except date night. Love cooking new recipes.

  2. Spa days my fav!!!!! So relaxing and I get to take our time for me

  3. Pampering myself (self-care) and working out have been my most favourite activities this period.
    They are amazing mood boosters and never fail to uplift my spirit.


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