Showing posts with label lifestyle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lifestyle. Show all posts

Meal Plans Delivery Kits in Canada! Are they worth it?

Is it just me or does anyone else have no time left at the end of the evening to cook dinner? I mean, you rush to work(Or work from home), you rush to pick up the kids from school, you rush home...when exactly are we supposed to be finding time to cook a healthy and balanced meal? 
But, here's the thing, this is the 21st century, so you don't actually have to struggle to cook dinner anymore. 

I'm sure you've heard/seen countless ads for meal plan kits while listening to podcasts, but if you're still on the fence about trying one out, here are 3 reasons why you need a meal plan kit in your life. 

3 Easy Ways to Sneak More Water in Your Life

Literally everybody needs it to live and it's an essential part of our daily lives. If you aren’t drinking enough water, the signs will show up in your body real quick! It can cause a laundry list of issues. List me list a few: bad breath, constipation, frequent illness, fatigue, and poor skin. NONE of what we want or need during this time... well anytime to be honest. But I understand, sometimes it's really easy to forget to drink water everyday! 

If that’s your case, you can try out these three tips to help you get more water in your diet. 

Four Reason Why you Need to Add Sunscreen to your Daily Routine

Growing up, the LAST thing on my mind when the sun would shine on my skin was sunscreen. I never felt the need to use it because I believed my dark skin was resilient to sunburn and it simply wasn’t a priority. This couldn’t be farther from the truth and it left my skin vulnerable to the sun’s harmful rays for so many years. If you’re anything like I was, you should seriously consider using sunscreen and making it a habit to wear on a daily basis, no matter what your skin tone is. 

When it comes to health, my motto is better safe than sorry and I definitely don’t want my black cracking from the sun! 

Self-Care Reminder for Work from Home Moms!

I feel like we blazed through July and I’m so interested in seeing how August goes. For me, July is madness! I had two major birthdays which required me to do some planning. 
It also marks that we're half way through summer and we're still dealing with COVID.. *sigh*

I am honestly so grateful for all the encouragement and comments that I’ve been getting from my
Here are three of my favourites!

5 Quick and Easy Ways to Become Environmentally Friendly

In the beginning of this self isolation. I felt like we were throwing out so many bags of garbage. A family member suggested that we get paper cups and plates (so we didn’t have to do any excessive  of washing to save money). Loved the concept of the idea but in the end there was so much waste. 

I hated it! 
And I really wanted to try to find a way that we can try to reduce the garbage that we threw out every three days and also see in what areas can we try to be more sustainable.

So I consulted my girl"google" on ways that I could try to reduce.

Fast meal ideas for Mamas on the GO

Girl... I'm tired of cooking! Do you wish you could have a personal chef to have all meals prepared all you have to do is sit down or grab it to go? Well, if you’re like the majority of tired mamas on the go we all wish we could have someone cater to us! NOT the other way around. Since I'm working from home with Ava, everything has gotten super tricky. Time passes by SO quickly. Before I know it, it's noon and lunch isn't close to being ready! I love super easy meals to be able to balance life. 

These are my favourite quick fixes... that Ava loves too!