Showing posts with label lifestyle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lifestyle. Show all posts

Three Teas that you Should Add to your Pantry

I really LOVE tea! There are so many benefits and it’s such a easy beverage to make. You can drink it anytime of day and in any weather. May I add... for any ailment?? Maybe that's the Jamaican in me LOL. Tea is a great natural medicine. If I’m ever dealing with an annoying stomach ache or uncomfortable bloating, I drink tea to alleviate my pain.

Don't believe me?
Is it the middle of summer?  Make iced tea to cool you off.
Did you wake up to snow outside your window and the idea of leaving your toasty bed seems impossible? Get up and make yourself a comforting hot tea to get you ready to tackle your day.

Here are three of my favourites!

Four pieces of clothing that you need to add to your wardrobe this Summer

Summer is here! I’m super excited because it's Ava's birth month! Can you believe that she's going to be 2?!? It's almost 24 months since I gave birth to her. Getting back to my old self was a journey. I'm still not there yet.. HELLO extra 15 pounds.. but that doesn't mean that I can't try to look cute.

I’ve been on the internet hunt, looking for affordable clothing to rock in this Canadian HEAT and was able to snag some cute finds! I also realized that a lot of these fashion items can be used as Fall outfits, later on in the year! 

With that being said, here are four pieces of clothing that you need to add to your wardrobe!

How to Buy Your Next Pair of Walking Shoes

Let’s talk about shoes! And no, I don’t mean those 6 Inch heels you bought years ago that are collecting dust in your closet! Oh.. No- It is just me *sigh* I’m talking about comfortable, everyday shoes. They are an essential part of any wardrobe and they should most definitely be front and centre in yours! I used to be a flats/sandals girl but my husband totally changed that.

We’re on what- week 365 of quarantine here! I have done through every emotion there is.
I like to go on walks with my husband and daughter before dinner. I usually complain about going but end up loving it in the end. Last week, I left the house in my slides. Cute but definitely not for long distance. Wearing the wrong shoe can really put a damper on what you're doing! Like when Ava doesn’t want to get into her stroller and I’m literally running down the street to get her in. Our feet are such an important part of our bodies and we need to make sure we are really taking care of them.

So the next time you go shoe shopping remember to keep these tips in mind so that your next pair is comfy!

Three Home Crafting DIYs to do During the Time that you’re Home

With quarantine being the new normal in so many of our lives, a lot of us are finding that we have way more time on our hands than we’re used to. If you find yourself bored in your house- wishing you had something interesting to do, consider using the extra time to create a better atmosphere for yourself and revamping your space! 

This is the perfect time to get in touch with your environment and create an ambiance that fuels your creativity and gives you a newfound appreciation for your home.

I’ve come up with three easy home crafting DIYs that you can do during your time at home. You’ll be able to get your imagination to work and create beautiful pieces for your place in no time!

Decluttering 101: Tips for New Moms

As a first time mom, I accumulated a lot of stuff. A lot of gifts - mixed in with a few purchases. Now that Ava Rose is almost two. We decided to get rid of half of the stuff and keep the best ones for baby #2 *Whenever we are ready for that* 

When it comes to decluttering your space, there is honestly no right or wrong way to go about it. Everyone has their own routine that works for them but for someone like me who is extremely sentimental... it takes forever for me to start. Best outlook to have - It all comes down to simplicity and minimizing unnecessary things in your space!

Four simple ways to fall asleep quick!

During this time the hardest thing for me has been sleep. Yes... I do have a one-year-old who sleeps extremely well! But currently the main questions in my mind is... When will this Quarantine be over? Will I be spending my birthday in quarantine? When will my husband have to go back to work? I could go on and on but we don't have the time. I know I’m not the only one who has all these questions. If you really sit down and think about it- it will keep you up all night.