Shop my Clothing Stash: Fashion Deal- High-Waisted Skirt

I`m excited to start this new series. I noticed that my fashion post especially of outfits of the day receive a lot of comments. I wish I could keep up with the demands but I suck at full body shots..LOL.

I'm on a no current obsession is shopping my clothing stash..mixing..matching & falling in love with pieces that still have the tag on it!!
In this shop my clothing stash edition I want to highlight my high-wasited floral skirt I got from Stitches for $5.00.

This skirt is very casual but can easily be dressed up. In the summer I plan on wearing this with a white v-neck, no tights & brown gladiators.

For $5.00 this was a steal and I'm glad I bought it!

Is there any items you would like to see from my stash? 
I love the input and 9 times out of 10 I probably own it :D


  1. Cute skirt, I love these types of skirts.

  2. $5 wow, that is a steal. It's really pretty too. I gotta visit your blog more often more fashion advice since I'm not to good at it lol.

  3. I'm wearing a floral skirt today! I love them. Yours is so cute and a great price as well.

  4. Love ur skirt,u look great honey!!!!Bring us more of these posts please hehe

  5. I really enjoy these posts they are really fun. And that skirt is really cute and for five dollars thats even better!


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