Showing posts with label motherhood. Show all posts
Showing posts with label motherhood. Show all posts

Surviving the fourth Trimester

When I was told "Beware of the fourth trimester" I had NO idea what people were talking about. But it's an important part for your mental health and wellbeing. The fourth trimester the period after giving birth is a challenging time for parents. 

Not only do you have to help your baby adjust to life outside the womb, but you may also find yourself overwhelmed by fatigue, pain, and uncertainty. 

EARTH DAY: Why Thrifting Your Child's Clothes Can Put More Money in Your Pocket This Season

If you have a little one at home, you know how they keep growing every week! I feel like nothing fits Ava anymore.  Shopping at any thrift shop will save you money and allow you to get new outfits for your child at a LOW cost. 

Here is why thrifting for your child's clothes can be your best option. 

3 Black Children's Books by Black Authors

It’s sooo important to find books for your little ones that inspire them and show that their skin colour is represented and celebrated. It gives a sense of pride and hope in them to know that people that look like them have achieved great things. I want Ava Rose to grow up knowing that she is special and has the potential to accomplish whatever she sets her mind to, just like the black people she’s seen and read about. 

If you want to inspire pride in your children and make them feel like they’re represented, I suggest you grab these three books during your next bedtime story session!