Spiced Beauty 600+ Followers Giveaway! CLOSEDDD

As promised here is another great giveaway for you all. These are actually back ups which I probably will not get to...sooo why not give it away to my amazing readers. All of your great comments and support is the reason why I continue to blog  <3
My 2 year bloggerversary is coming up in Dec :D So the giveaways will keep on coming!

You can win 3 brand new limited edition MAC products!
  • MAC Slimshine in Gentle Simmer
  • MAC Dazzleglass in Roman Holiday
  • MAC Iridescent Powder in Belightful
Contest rules:
* This an INTERNATIONAL contest!
* One Winner will be chosen
* You must be a follower of my blog
* You must be 17+

Contest ends: November 21, 2010 @ 12:01 AM

* Don`t forget to press submit to make sure your info goes through!

My Nail Army: OPI, China Glaze & Color Club

It took me years to form the perfect nail army. I was a victim of chipping and smudged nails after my mani's but now I'm saved!

First I start with Color Club nail polish as a base coat.
After applying my color, I seal it with China Glaze No Chip Top Coat. I this a durable top coat that lenghtens my nailpolish wear.
Lastly I spray my nails with OPI Rapid Dry. This makes them dry much faster!

So that is my routine! What is yours?

How I get long luscious lashes! What is your favorite mascara?

Ever since I was 13 years old I was obsessed with lashes. I got my free AVON mascara and never turned back! I have to add that after 12 years of mascara wearing I still have healthy, full & curly lashes that I'm not embarrassed to sport with without mascara as well.

I personally like layering my mascaras. It's a process that starts off with a light coat of a lengthening mascara. My current choice is CARGO 3 Triple Action Mascara as a base coat. I let it try fully then I apply two coats of Marcelle Power Volume Mascara. Lastly finish off with CARGO 3 Triple Action Mascara on the tips.

It's a tedious process but I achieve lashes that look exactly like falsies! So my question for you is do you layer your mascaras?

The Marcelle Mascara was sent to spiced beauty for review purposes. I wont the Cargo mascara in a contest.