Check out

I know I’ve been talking about Spring Cleaning A LOT. Especially when it comes to your make up/skin care/body essentials. When I did my search, I was so surprised to see how many products that I had opened and have now expired. PLUS how many products I have actually used up completely. Go me! 

I was so lucky that BEAUTYSENSE.CA reached out to me and gave me the opportunity to shop on their site. Let me tell you that this is the site that you want bookmarked everywhere. 

Spring is here: Let's talk Mindset, Beauty and Fashion

Spring is here. Although it doesn’t feel like it in Ontario, Canada because we are on a stay-at-home order. BUT it doesn’t mean that you can’t dress up for yourself. I know it’s better said then done! If you see me... six out of seven days... I literally look like I rolled out of bed. 
Perks of working from home! But I am on a mission to change that!  

Glam days at least three times a week LOL... okay let's say two!

Advice on Coping and Getting through the Morning during a Stay at Home Order

Although our new reality with RONA has impacted the world as a whole, this is the best time to focus on yourself aside from working from home, being stuck inside all day, and just being plain bored and depressed. Living in Canada, I can say Ontario is a mess. I feel like I wasted a year BUT I'm also grateful to be alive, grateful to be a Content Creator and grateful that no one in my family got sick. 

So again let me not complain and just be grateful.

Three Tips to Hydrate your Skin with Clayton Shagal

As if the cold winter weather isn’t hard enough on our skin, along came COVID-19 and having spent so much time in the dry-heated indoors, many of us have been left in dire need of a moisture boost. If you’re among those finding your face drier than usual, consider these three top tips from Canadian brand Clayton Shagal to hydrate your skin. 

5 Tips for Working from Home with Toddler/Baby

I know this Pandemic/January has made a lot of us work from home or be completely home-based. I’m going into my 4th exclusive work from home year. 
So trust me when I say- BEEN THERE DONE THAT! 

It can be a roller coaster of emotions. 

3 Ways to Spruce up a Boring Bedroom

My bedroom is one of my favourite rooms in my house. 
It’s where I get to relax after a long day and wind down in a safe space with a big, comfy bed! I always like to make sure my bedroom speaks to my style so that it truly feels like mine because I just hate a boring looking bedroom with no personality. 
This is where decorating comes in! 

It’s so easy to make a bland space look amazing and you can bring your bedroom to life with these 3 ideas. 

3 Apps You Need to Step Up your IG game up

 There’s no shame in wanting your IG posts to look bomb, especially if you’re trying to build a following. The benefits of Instagram can be SO amazing for businesses and personal brands and if you aren't taking advantage of social media then you’re really missing out on a great opportunity! 

PLUG: Follow me on IG 

If you want to step up your IG game consider downloading these 3 apps.