What if you were told that you had to keep your makeup regimen to three products.
Would it be hard for you? It would be the easiest choice for me.
  • A liquid lipstick
  • Lashes
  • Concealer
Years ago concealer would never be in my top three "survival" products. But I won't lie, I love how awake it makes me look. Especially days when the world is trying me and I'm surviving on NO sleep. 

As a woman of colour, I know that we are prone to getting dark under eye circles. With the MAKE UP FOR EVER Ultra HD Concealer’s ($34.00 CAN)  you don't need a lot to get the job done! I also forgot to add that the concealers have a Anti-Dark Circle Complex with Radiance Booster.

Basic Brow Combos with Arbonne Cosmetics

So my holy grail brow product has now finished. I'm now kind of jumping from unsuccessful brow products- one right after the other. It's tragic.. I know. But there is light at the end of the tunnel.

 I had the opportunity to try out some brow products from Arbonne to get my to get my brow basics down pat. I don't know about you but brows are so important to me. When they just get done! GIRL!!! I swear I feel like nobody can tell me anything.

 Here is my brow in its natural state, you can see I have very long and thick brow hairs. So if you accidentally take out a few extra hairs accidentally it really shows!

Purse: Declutter & Simplify

I think I've reached a part in my life where I'm ready to simplify.*I hope my husband isn't reading this*... Simplify is such a scary word because if you knew how many things I own right now you would know that it's REALLY needed.

But for me, not to overwhelm myself... I have to start small. Soooo why not start with my purse. 
I used to be the queen of large purses... It all dates back to college and every girl had one of those large TNA bags. It was perfect for me! I could fit my laptop, lunch and whatever essentials I needed for a full day of class. 

My Thoughts about Hairsprays + Herbal Essences Biorenew

This post is going to be so awkward because it’s about a product that is so known to everyone but I just don't embrace it. Here it goes. I hardly use hairspray. I don’t know if it’s laziness (probably laziness) but it’s just a step I always look over.

I spent a lot of time on my curls, whether it be with heat or Flexi rods… but with the heat and humidity of the environment they don't last. By the end of the day I’m rocking a semi-straight style- that I didn’t ask for…

Let’s go back to the root of the problem…Why do I hate hairsprays? We all know the hairsprays of the past. They’re heavy and not workable at all. Like I just remember those up-do’s that were sprayed to the high heavens and did not move. Like a week later you would see the person in the same style and a curl hasn't budged…that is not for me. Lies… it happened once and NO I won’t share pictures LOL. Just bad vibes all over.

TREND: Bomber Jackets

You don't have to be a high school jock to enjoy the bomber jacket trend.
They're fashionable, come in various prints/colours and are pretty affordable.