Navigating a Socially Distanced Holiday Season

The Christmas holidays is extremely stressful for people who are already struggling with isolation due to COVID. With more and more Ontario regions going back on lockdown right before Dec 25, it's going to be a difficult few weeks. Many families will not be gathering traditionally for Christmas dinner for the first time in YEARS. 

Licensed Clinical Psychotherapist Erin Wiley, MA, LPC, LPCC has sent me some tips to help people navigate a pandemic holiday season. I hope this helps anyone who is stressing and needs some advice about the stress of this season .

Last Minute stocking stuffers

  I’m trying to figure out if things are going to fast or too slow right now. Either way it all seems like a blur!! More than half the people I polled on Instagram told me that they have their Christmas gift’s already. Personally, I feel like there will be a lot of gift cards being given. Which is good but we all will miss the personable part of wrapping and filling out Christmas cards. But stocking stuffers always good add on! I always make sure that I have a few stocking stuffers personalized for each person! They don’t even have to be super expensive! 
Some you can even pick up from your local drugstore! 

Here is my beauty edition:  

Gift Guide : Sephora Collection 2020 under $20

This is the 7th annual Sephora gift guide! 
I'm so grateful to be #gifted from Sephora Canada on this one again. 
This year is so cute!!!
There were a few products sent and I chose the best products that could totally work for anyone in your life. There is something for everyone- Young..old and in between!

I’m sharing my top 5 Sephora Collection products that you need to put on your radar either for yourself or for the ones that you love!  **But don't forget about yourself LOL!

Canadian Black Women Owned Business We Need to Support

Small business are hurting now more than ever. Struggling to keep “doors” open online and in real life. This is our time to shop small and highlight companies who need a little boost. I've had the opportunity to play with some products from some Black Canadian women owned businesses for a few weeks now! So many gems out there and I haven't even touched the surface. I know my platform is small but I’m always willing to help! Even if it's just to put a new name out there for awareness!

Today I will be sharing four Black Canadian Women owned businesses 
that you need to put on your radar!  

First up is Unforgivingly Pur
A Beauty and Wellness company is owned sisters Rochelle & Cola Bennett. 
Their goal was to "create a wellness space that will change how people manage stress in their everyday lives, to provide global customers with tools, products, and services that promote a well-balanced life, and to have industry leading products."

On their site you can find quite a bit of high quality products which you can introduce into your daily lives. Such as Natural deodorant, Face/Body scrubs, Hand sanitizers and Body Cremes.

Miss Persona Season 3 is here!

**This post is sponsored by Miss. Persona**

I remember last year when I was flipping through channels and landed on Tree House. Miss Persona was on and the first thing Ava noticed was the cute yellow teddy bear who she screamed “Teddy Bear” every time he popped up on screen! If you’re not aware of Miss Persona... let me give you a quick rundown. Miss Persona and her shy teddy Brandon Bear have fun and solve problems with imaginative play! I mean there is a lot of work that goes into each episode and set. There are 75 new costumes this season! 

Signs That you Might Have Sensitive Skin

Let me tell you that sensitive skin is really common! If you find that you can’t figure out why you keep having skin issues no matter how many products or methods you try, your problem may be that you just have sensitive skin. If you can see a dermatologist or an esthetician- Do that ASAP.

But before you do that look for these signs.

Fire Prevention Month with First Alert

Thank you First Alert for sponsoring this post. October is Fire Prevention Month! Help ensure your home and family are protected by installing smoke & carbon monoxide alarms!

Before this, the last time that I participated in a fire drill, I was in college. That was more than 10 years ago! With October being Fire Prevention Month- this is the time to take fire safety seriously. Especially as a mom to a busy 2-year-old.