Showing posts with label black hair. Show all posts
Showing posts with label black hair. Show all posts

Summer Must Haves!

So I counted and there are 3 weeks until summer starts. I’m not even going to lie- 
I am NOT ready at all. At ALL!!! So summer is totally going to get whatever body I literally give it. 

As we all know Ontario is locked down until at least July 5... so DIY is definitely on the menu for all of us. Check out these great brands that you can buy and get groomed. 

Guest Post: Toddler Hair Care

In the Black community, the topic of natural hair is seemingly never-ending and personally, it’s a favourite of mines. For all intents and purposes, I have two girls ages 2 and 2 months but I will focus on my toddler’s hair care in this blog post.

Charlotte was born with a head of curly hair however, the crown of her hair grew a bit faster than the rest so for awhile, she looked as if she was sporting a fro-hawk. Back in 2009/2010, I learned that the key to what makes black hair thrive (in terms of health and thus, length retention) was moisture and since then, I have implemented the LOC method for myself and even more intentionally for Charlotte’s hair.

The LOC method stands for Liquid, Oil, Cream. This is the specific order that one must apply product to the hair to ensure maximum moisture retention. Similarly, there is the LCO method that stands for Liquid, Cream, and Oil. Since I am such a big advocate for natural hair in all its forms, I implemented this method when Charlotte was about three weeks old.

New Tangle Teezer brushes that you need

I recently had the opportunity to recently attend an intimate gathering for Tangle Teezer made by Shaun Pulfre. He introduced me to three new products:

  • The Thick & Curly detangling hairbrush
  • The Compact Styler
  • Blow Styling tool brush

Hair: Cleansing Conditioners?

To shampoo or not to shampoo that is the question. 
I started my hair journey a few years ago which now entitles me to do 
my own hair 90% of the time.

One thing I can tell about my hair is that loves moisture! There are a lot of talks out there saying that shampoos actually strip your hair moisture and conditioners cannot replace the full amount of moisture that has been lost. I have switched to a cleansing conditioner. Best decision ever! Most cleansing conditioners are really good for the hair because they don't contain harsh chemicals and they really help your hair maintain moisture. I love how soft my hair is after using them.

Click the product below and check some of my favourite cleansing conditioners!

Here is a shot of my natural hair- 
I have combed out my curls after putting in the Pantene damage repair cleansing conditioner ($9.99 CAN).

Do you have a favourite cleansing conditioner?