Showing posts with label skin care. Show all posts
Showing posts with label skin care. Show all posts

10 Reasons Why you Need to Incorporate Face Masks into Your Life

I know that not everybody is into skin care. I’ve met people who still use bar soap on their face.. no I’m not talking about specially made skin care soap. I’m talking regular bar soap that they also use to wash their.... never mind. I’m not knocking you but I will say that if you do have skincare issues that generic soap is probably not going to get rid of them.

I am a big believer in skin care routines. You target pesky skin care problems such as discolouration, oily skin or even peeling and flaking. Like I know people who swear by homemade scrubs/mask made out of fruit/vegetables. For the ones who don’t have a lot of time or are just downright lazy...package masks are your best bet.

Flashing?!?! Is the DERMAFLASH Facial Exfoliating Device for you?

I cant even begin to tell you how many times an email for an interesting device pops up into my inbox. Then I ask about it and it's USA only. REALLY! 
Flat out.. If it's not available here.... I'm not covering it. 

I don't know if it's me or not but once you hear about a product- it's everywhere! I remember seeing an old video of Taraji P. Henson's MUA using the tool on her before the Grammy's. Guess what?? It was the DERMAFLASH device!  A few weeks ago, I got an email saying the DERMAFLASH was available in Canada.

So I had to do some inquiries about it before I jumped the gun.

Thankfully, I got some answers from DERMAFLASH and I'm sharing them for people like me who have questions!

Hydration is KEY! New Laneige Skin Care

Let's talk skin care! I've really been REALLY into skin care lately. After coming back from Jamaica my skin has totally changed consistency. Now it requires more hydration. I've actually been using a few brands that have my skin looking MUCH better!

Back in 2016, I started my year out with these Laneige classics
Now come and see what I upgraded to!

Four must have Ole Henriksen products from Sephora

I'm late on the Ole Henriksen train. I'd always see the brand in Sephora but I wasn't sure if it was for me. After having my first Ole Henriksen facial, seeing the Ole glow and meeting Ole in-person: I'm a believer. He told me I was cute and had great skin. He also give me a few personal skin recommendations plus talked about our love of Naomi Campbell!  I've pretty much tried the whole line. I picked four items that are a MUST haves.... If was trapped on a island these products would HAVE to come with me.

Three Gentle Back to School Products for your Skin: Cerave

I'm not 16 anymore- so my skin care routine is even more important.

I told you all my story many times. How when I was younger, I used to be blemish free... then I turned about 25 or so I started to see pimples. It was really disheartening. I go through times where I find products that work amazing for me and other times where my skin was a MESS. I'm really liking CERAVE. This brand was formulated with dermatologist to help repair your skin. It is also non-comedogenic, fragrance free and leaves and no irritation. Everything in the line is so mild( that I've tried).  Right now I have a good regimen going on which I think I'm going to stick to until the winter.

If you're going back to school and need some skin care advice. Definitely check out these products.

Currently Obsessed: Olay Deeply Clean Pore Mineral Cleanser

I'm really good with all the steps in my skin care routine. I cleanse- exfoliate- tone and moisturize almost daily. The one step that I need to switch up regularly is my cleanser. Each one has their own unique attributes. A good cleanser can help you purify and brighten your skin. Especially after a hot day!

I was excited to get back to the basics with Olay Deeply Clean Pore Mineral Cleanser ($7.99 US).