Five Ways to Get a Wardrobe on a Budget from buy/sell groups online

Let me start off my stating that I'm not employed by any social media platform like Facebook BUT if there is a deal online.. be sure that I'll find it! *TWO SNAPS*

The rise of Facebook groups.

Did you know that your next outfit might be on facebook? Hear me out! 
Have you ever checked out the Marketplace or a FB clothing group? 

Introducing Nude by Nature in Canada- Swatches on DARK skin

I love discovering new brands. Especially when they’re going to be in places that I frequent. Shopper’s Drug Mart just got an exclusive new brand called Nude by Nature.
They’re Australia's #1 Mineral Makeup brand.

Top Ten Island Honeymoon Essentials

I was asked by one of my good friends what would be my top ten Island honeymoon essentials for an island vacation. I had a LONG list of items that you would usually forget or overlook when packing. I thought this would be perfect for the blog since I haven’t done a honeymoon essential post since 2015. 

If you’re prepping for your honeymoon and stumbled on this post - get a piece of paper out and let’s go. Or just screenshot. Haha! Whatever works.

Five things that I wish I knew about Lash extensions

I know I'm totally getting annoying talking about my lash extension experience.... But I really miss them! Currently.. saving money is the goal. So things will have to be sacrificed. There is a lot that I wish I knew before I became so addicted.

Sally Hansen Beautifier Collection by Complete Salon Manicure

My next few posts are REALLY going to have a self-care theme. Mostly because I've been severally lacking. I know.. I know! I totally need to do better but with daylight saving time here. I see more opportunity to do better.... Starting with my nails!

Thankfully I have the Sally Hansen Beautifier Collection by 
Complete Salon Manicure ($7.97 CAN) collection to get me started.