Five Ways to Get a Wardrobe on a Budget from buy/sell groups online

Let me start off my stating that I'm not employed by any social media platform like Facebook BUT if there is a deal online.. be sure that I'll find it! *TWO SNAPS*

The rise of Facebook groups.

Did you know that your next outfit might be on facebook? Hear me out! 
Have you ever checked out the Marketplace or a FB clothing group? 

Introducing Nude by Nature in Canada- Swatches on DARK skin

I love discovering new brands. Especially when they’re going to be in places that I frequent. Shopper’s Drug Mart just got an exclusive new brand called Nude by Nature.
They’re Australia's #1 Mineral Makeup brand.

Top Ten Island Honeymoon Essentials

I was asked by one of my good friends what would be my top ten Island honeymoon essentials for an island vacation. I had a LONG list of items that you would usually forget or overlook when packing. I thought this would be perfect for the blog since I haven’t done a honeymoon essential post since 2015. 

If you’re prepping for your honeymoon and stumbled on this post - get a piece of paper out and let’s go. Or just screenshot. Haha! Whatever works.

Five things that I wish I knew about Lash extensions

I know I'm totally getting annoying talking about my lash extension experience.... But I really miss them! Currently.. saving money is the goal. So things will have to be sacrificed. There is a lot that I wish I knew before I became so addicted.

Sally Hansen Beautifier Collection by Complete Salon Manicure

My next few posts are REALLY going to have a self-care theme. Mostly because I've been severally lacking. I know.. I know! I totally need to do better but with daylight saving time here. I see more opportunity to do better.... Starting with my nails!

Thankfully I have the Sally Hansen Beautifier Collection by 
Complete Salon Manicure ($7.97 CAN) collection to get me started.

GUEST POST: Three Gym routines that you should start doing in 2018

Get it right and get it tight! 2018 is your year to step up your fitness game. If you're new to the gym, or if you're an avid gym attendee check out my 3 suggested gym routines you should start doing in 2018! For more fitness routines and for some fitness motivation be sure to follow my instagram account @simplyeseeri. Now let's workout!

Maybelline- Total Temptation Makeup Collection + PICS

As I state almost every day(tears), I have given up wearing lash extensions until 2019. I’ve pretty much been wearing them straight on and off since the middle of 2015 (when I got married). 

I’m not gonna lie I miss how easy and effortless it was getting ready in the morning or having to attend an event was. I hardly had to do anything. I'd fix my brows, eyeliner, find good lip colour and I was set. But personally.... it all comes down to having to spend quite a few dollars a month. Which ends up being $1000+. I could go on a vacation with all that cash! 

Anyways back to the point, I have been on the hunt for a good mascara for a while! One brand that always is on top of the drugstore lash game is ALWAYS Maybelline. If I’ve ever been in bind "lash wise" I was always able to go to Shopper's Drug Mart -find a Maybelline mascara that works. 

Today's mascara of the day is from their Total Temptation Collection-Total Temptation Mascara ($7.96 CAN Walmart). First off !!!! Let me say this brush is REALLY really nice! I know for a while we could not get away from seeing plastic bristles on every mascara wand. Which I’m still a fan of but nothing beats a good old-fashioned bristles.