Lunchbox snack ideas!

Are you tired of making the same lunch box meals for your kids daily? 
With Ava I always have to switch it up. Or you know she will call me out! Just like all of us, different foods, have different seasons in our life. If you can- It's always best to shop in bulk. 

That's my mommy blogger tip for you! LOL

I'm going to share some of my favourite snacks to give my daughter for lunch.

Battling the Canadian Winters with three easy steps!

This time of year, I always start feeling the weather in the form of dry skin. Not sure about you guys, but by the end of November I sometimes feel like an old AND dried up. Yes, I know I'm over dramatic but these Canadian winters are NO JOKE! Now, if you face this problem every year, too you may be wondering what we can do to hydrate our skin and keep it fully moisturized. 

Luckily, I have 3 solutions that are bound to hit the spot!

Starting Kindergarten in Ontario- Let's talk lunches!

Customization is definitely going to be the key for us going into Kindergarten! With probably 25 students in a class- One teacher and a TA… things are bound to get mixed up or lost. I don't want to think about it but its a real reality... LOL On top of that, I feel like the name Ava the new Jennifer. So I will continue to push her full name haha!   

How to get your toddler to wear a mask on the plane

The pandemic has changed a lot of things for us, hasn't it? From product shortages to Zoom conferences, it seems that everything in our lives have been impacted in some way. One recent things is that the mask ban has been lifted. But when it comes to flying in Canada- Masks are STILL needed for the whole flight.
For us grown ups, it can be hard enough to keep it on, but for the little ones? It seems to be impossible. I mean, it's hard enough to get them to keep their socks on! 

So here are 3 tips for teaching your toddler how to properly wear their mask on an airplane. 

Parissa is changing the way we wax

Happy June everyone! 
Summer is around three weeks away. Not like I’m counting or anything! If you’re in Ontario, the temperatures are hot hot hot! It’s the perfect time to remove that unwanted hair from areas that are so bothersome. I have tried so many methods over the years (some you will find on this blog) but one that can never be disputed is Waxing! Temporary pain for long - term gain right! LOL! That rhymes. Especially if done right. Taking the hair directly from the root. You can have smooth skin for 2 - 8 weeks depending on your hair growth. 

A brand that you should totally get on your radar is Parissa
Have you heard of them yet? 

Let's Talk: Screen time

Tricky subject! Screen Time. 
Before Ava it was a HELL NO. Now It's a must... in moderation. 

I spoke with Parenting Educator & Former Elementary School Teacher, Laura Linn Knight on tips for screen time. Pull up a seat and take notes!

Quick Picnic Checklist

The days are getting longer, the nights are getting warmer, and the smell of flowers is in the air! That's right, it's Spring/Summer again and if you are looking for Spring/Summer themed date night ideas- do a Picnic!

Picnics are classics for a reason