Showing posts with label canadian mommy blogger. Show all posts
Showing posts with label canadian mommy blogger. Show all posts

3 Black Children's Books by Black Authors

It’s sooo important to find books for your little ones that inspire them and show that their skin colour is represented and celebrated. It gives a sense of pride and hope in them to know that people that look like them have achieved great things. I want Ava Rose to grow up knowing that she is special and has the potential to accomplish whatever she sets her mind to, just like the black people she’s seen and read about. 

If you want to inspire pride in your children and make them feel like they’re represented, I suggest you grab these three books during your next bedtime story session!

Fast meal ideas for Mamas on the GO

Girl... I'm tired of cooking! Do you wish you could have a personal chef to have all meals prepared all you have to do is sit down or grab it to go? Well, if you’re like the majority of tired mamas on the go we all wish we could have someone cater to us! NOT the other way around. Since I'm working from home with Ava, everything has gotten super tricky. Time passes by SO quickly. Before I know it, it's noon and lunch isn't close to being ready! I love super easy meals to be able to balance life. 

These are my favourite quick fixes... that Ava loves too!

Covid Summer Baby Bag Checklist

Lately, we have been taking Ava out on little excursions (obviously while social distancing). So far, we went to the zoo, a big park and to the splash pads. We're just trying to slowly add some normalcy to our life. 

One thing I've noticed is that I have add to add a few "extras" to diaper bag. 
I thought that it would be a perfect time to share them as I know some parents are now starting to ease up and go out.

Here is what's in our baby bag.

Decluttering 101: Tips for New Moms

As a first time mom, I accumulated a lot of stuff. A lot of gifts - mixed in with a few purchases. Now that Ava Rose is almost two. We decided to get rid of half of the stuff and keep the best ones for baby #2 *Whenever we are ready for that* 

When it comes to decluttering your space, there is honestly no right or wrong way to go about it. Everyone has their own routine that works for them but for someone like me who is extremely sentimental... it takes forever for me to start. Best outlook to have - It all comes down to simplicity and minimizing unnecessary things in your space!

Bored? Five things to do while in quarantine!

It's May! 
We want to go out, play, eat, travel ... see family. Should I keep on going? 
Don't laugh at me but I miss walking the aisles of Winners/Home Sense. 
Man.. we're going stir crazy. I get it! We ALL want this virus gone. 

Are you looking for things to do while in quarantine?
Here are some ideas!

21 Mommy bloggers share their toddler routines and activities

It’s crazy how things change so quickly. I am grateful to stay home and have my family safe... But I’m not gonna lie- I can tell how bored she is. There’s not much I can do to change the boredom especially with me working but I decided to give her her own space in our living room.

Most of the stuff we already had! The only thing that I purchased was a table set from IKEA which was extremely affordable at $30 CAN. My husband purchased the toy box plus she made me that lovely art in the background for Mother’s Day. I thought it would be a perfect addition to her space. I love that she has a place that she can go when she feels like she wants to sit down and eat or quietly play.