Gift Guide : Sephora Collection 2019 under $20

Sephora Holiday goodies! 
This was one package that I was extremely excited for! 
And as usual it didn’t disappoint. 

Sephora collection has such a cute spread this holiday season.
I've been a huge Sephora Collection fan for an extremely long time!
*if you don’t believe me- check my old Sephora gift guide posts

For the ones who are new to the blog and have no idea how good Sephora Collection products are: You can get pigmented and high quality makeup, fragrance, beauty tools and skin care products for an amazing price point! Everything is EXTREMELY affordable.
Everything in this post can be bought on a $20 budget. 

Gift Guide: The Body Shop picks under $50

The Body Shop is one place that I always make a quick stop to whenever I’m in the mall. I love to go in-store and smell/test plus restock my body butters/shower gels. I was really excited this year when they sent over an amazing box of products for me to test (just in time for the holidays). It’s been a while since I’ve opened up a box and literally fell in love with EVERYTHING inside.

Gift Guide: Quo Holiday Collection 2019

Let’s get a started on this holiday content! 
Over the past few weeks, I have had the opportunity to receive some of the most gorgeous beauty products to my doorstep. Totally made me fall in love with beauty again. 

One of the first beauty brands, I ever spent my money on was Quo. 
There are soooo many gems in the line: From their brushes to their lip glosses. 
Every year they kill it with their holiday collections. 
Here are 5 items that you need to put in your stocking from Quo this year!

Review: Maxi Cosi Magellan Car Seat

I’m happy that I had to opportunity to be a Maxi Cosi mom from day one! I know if you read my Maxi Cosi Lara Travel stroller post. You will know that we requested the famous Zelia stroller from our family (pre-Ava Rose) and I’ve been in love with it ever since. We have been using the bucket seat from when Ava came home from the hospital in my car until 6 weeks ago.

The things about babies/toddlers is that they grow fast. Oh boy, do they grow fast. I mean I just bought a whole bunch of clothes for Ava like 2 months ago and she has already grown them out! Since she is now 16 months and super tall for her age. Recently we started noticing that she no longer comfortably fits in to her car seat in my car. I tried to prolong it as along as I could... But we knew it was time for an upgrade. I was also super lucky and grateful Maxi Cosi gifted us the Magellan Car Seat.

Three tips for your baby when using baby pouch foods

I recently wrote about my thoughts on baby led wending and it was suggested that I also write about baby food as well. We actually still give them to Ava as a "snack' after her naps. It's quick- it fills her up. Plus she just eats them on her own (very little supervision needed)!

Just like everything out there you need to pay attention and follow safety/handling procedures when giving them to your little
one. This will make sure that your baby does not get sick.

The Most Fashionable Streets in The World

As with any specialty, fashion has its superstars. These are companies that you can identify simply by their name as being the best in the business. Real lovers of fashion can tell you where the most fashionable shopping streets around the world are located. Now we live in a high-tech world and the international economy. We can literally partake in anything we choose via the internet. With the use of offshore accounts and the internet, as a client- you will always be served. Business makes new ways to do business every day.

Technology and transportation make it possible for fashion-lovers to enjoy
the great fashion avenues of this era.

Have you heard of Birch + Fog?

15 months ago my life changed for the better! 
I became a mom to an amazingly smart baby girl. I wasn’t prepared for how hectic life would be with my own business and being a stay at home mom... but I’m SUPER busy! Like I hardly get to rest. It sounds like I’m complaining- I’m totally not BUT damn I do miss pre-baby Jenn. That Jenn had TIME now that I look back at it. That Jenn should’ve never complained she was tired... because she did not know what tired was LOL

It’s easy to feel anxious or stressed when you have so much on your plate. Daily I think about... getting my work done, entertaining the baby, make sure food is cooked/available, making sure bottles are ready- and that’s just the surface. Different people unwind in different ways. I was recently contacted by Birch+Fog to try out some products. I won’t lie... overlooked the first few emails because I wasn’t sure if it was the route I wanted to go down. If you don’t know birch+fog are a premium lifestyle collective based in Canada. They specialize in CBD and hemp wellness products.

What is CBD?
It’s a non-psychoactive cannabis compound used for a wide range of ailments including pain and anxiety/stress. **FYI non-psychoactive means no changes in perception or behaviour** Very important to note.
After looking at the site- the curiosity got me and I decided to try out some of their products. 
FYI- I don’t smoke or vape. So these are my unadulterated opinions.

Let me start out by saying this post is not here to educate you on Cannabis in Canada or the different strains and their benefits. I’m just sharing 3 it of 5 products that I got and my 

Buudabomb Vegan Gummies
image via Birch+Fog site