Canadian Mommy Blogger

5 years ago, I stepped into the world of Mommy blogging in Canada... It's been fun. I've had the opportunity to have some cool experiences and bring my whole family along. 

Some mommy blogging tips!

Staying positive during pregnancy

Baby #2 is on her way! Pregnancy can be an amazing but also a challenging time. No one reminded me that doing all this with a child is WORK!! Also with so many physical and emotional changes happening, it's easy to feel overwhelmed or negative at times. 

 Here are some tips to help you stay positive during your pregnancy. *I'm using them too: 

Let's go thrifting for baby clothes!

Are you on the hunt for some great deals on baby clothes? 
Thrifting can be a great way to save money while also finding some unique and stylish pieces.

Here are a few things to keep in mind when thrifting for baby clothes. 

What To Ask on Your Daycare Tour?

Ava started daycare when she was 17 months. And I was very reluctant on sending her. Why? I worked from home and felt like I had to keep her home. BUT the truth was she needed little friends. Something that I couldn't give her (being an only child). So we started daycare part-time so she could have the best of both worlds. A bit of time with friends her age and home with mommy.

When it comes to picking a daycare every family has different needs, so you should know what is important to you way before you step foot into a facility. These might be small BUT very important questions to ask your daycare provider. 

Losing friends after having kids: My Thoughts

Here is the truth… Losing friends after having kids can be tough, but it's a common experience.
Sometimes we grow apart. 

Sometimes we’re headed in a different direction. 

Clear Aligners vs. Braces - My Thoughts

I'm 20 months into my aligner journey. Such a tricky decision when you're in you 30's. At first, I tried to figure out which option was best for me: braces or clear aligners. Both have their pros and cons, and ultimately, the decision comes down to your personal preference. 

Come with me while I take you through my thought process.

Pregnancy Skincare Must Haves

Congratulations on your pregnancy mama! It is a wonderful time of your life when you experience a lot of changes, both physical and emotional. With Ava my skin was really good until after birth. Here are a few things you may experience.

When it comes to your skin, you may notices such as breakouts, stretch marks, and dryness. If you're a part of the lucky bunch who haven't experienced this... how do you like being God's favourite LOL. I'm joking...